Stamp collectors pore over specimens from the Brown University collections in the John Hay Library |
I had occasion to use the phrase 'pore over' in something I was writing the other day, and though I was pretty sure I had the right spelling, it's one of those sort of things that I can sometimes get exactly wrong, so decided to look it up to be sure. While I was doing this though, I started wondering about the word 'pore' and where it had come from. After poring over a few etymology sites, here are the results:
No one knows.
Online Etymology Dictionary tells us that its meaning of 'to gaze intently' has been in English since as far back as the early thirteenth century, but from there the trail fades out. It is not connected to any obvious word in Old French, unlike the more familiar 'pore', as in one of those openings in your skin, which for some reason has been more easily traced back to the Latin
porus and the Greek
pore, which literally means a passage or way. It's odd and a little frustrating that an identical sounding word has left these clues, and this one has not. The Online Etymology Dictionary records the speculation that it might be from a hypothetical Old English word
purian, because there did exist the word
spyrian, which means to investigate or examine, and the more familiar sounding
spor, which meant a trace or a vestige, and seems to be related to the word 'spoor' which is still in use when discussing tracking, although that one came to us from the Dutch via South Africa. Again, check out the
Online Etymology Dictionary.
We get a fair number of guesses over the origins of 'pore' over at
English Language and Usage. There we learn that the Oxford English Dictionary suggests it might be related to the obsolete word
pire, which meant to peer or gaze at, but they are quick to say that there is no reason to think that it has any connection to our own word 'peer'. Aye yi yi!
There's also a tangent leading off after the obscure word 'purblind', and I particularly liked this quote from none other than Francis Bacon, otherwise known as Shakespeare. (I'm kidding--I have no idea who wrote those plays and poems. Regardless of identity, they would still be a miracle.)
Pore-blinde men, see best in the Dimmer Light; And likewise have their
sight Stronger neere hand, than those that are not Pore-blinde; And
can Reade and Write smaller Letters. [...] But being Contracted, are
more strong, than the Visuall Spirits of Ordinarie Eyes are; As when
we see thorow a Levell, the sight is Stronger: And do is it, when you
gather the eyelids somewhat close: And it is commonly seene in those
that are Pore-blinde, that they doe much gather the Eye-lids together.
Sylva Sylvarum or Natural History--1627
Interesting, but not really what we normally think of as Shakespearean prose.
Another thing that fascinates me is that to "pour over" may be gaining ground. One commenter over at
Grammarist said that they had read the phrase 'pour over' in the Smithsonian (I think meaning the magazine rather than the museum). And another staunchly defends 'pour over' as perfectly legit:
I would say that using my eyes to pour over a book is exactly the right
use of the word, where the eyes flow over the text like water covering
every little word and detail in the text ensuring that nothing is
And thus a folk etymology is born. Call me crazy, but I'm predicting that 'pour over' will eventually win the day.