Monday, June 24, 2013

Stephen Fry on language

Although I may not completely agree with Stephen Fry's opinion here, it's worth hearing. But then, hearing Stephen Fry speak is always pretty delightful. I'm of two minds about reading the words as he speaks them, too. But in the end I'd say it's worth it.


  1. Seana

    I really enjoyed this little series he did.

  2. I want to watch more. I know you've mentioned some series he did before, I'm not sure if it was this one. I think I maybe watched one???

  3. I have heard his podcast a couple of times but forgot about it. This was fun to listen to, and dizzying to watch!

  4. Well, I should have guessed you'd be on to Fry already, Julie. As to the video, I'd say that I enjoyed the result more than the process.
