Tuesday, February 21, 2012

a little tip that I can't resist sharing, because I am not a robot

I'm probably going to get kicked out of bloggerdom for saying this, but you know the new word verification system? After some experimentation, I've discovered that you don't actually have to type the non-blurry word at all. Also, I'm pretty sure that you don't have to pay any attention to the capitalizations even on the blurry words. Just struggle through and try and figure out what the letters are, and you should be fine.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming soon.


  1. I think that you're right that the system is non-case-sensitive. I'll have to check out the blurry-word secret. I'll experience such a forbidden thrill if it works!

  2. It's the kind of thrill you feel you have to tell others about, because the whole change over is just so damn annoying.

  3. I wonder if the new system was a response to some security breach.

  4. But I have always found the "Captcha" system a pain.

  5. It probably was, but it is really wrong to make people type a second word that doesn't even matter. Especially when the second word is often not a word but a weird combination of other things as well. One of mine was the exponential 8.

  6. I just posted a comment on Declan Burke's blog. I got two words, neither of them blurry. Could they be on to you already?

  7. I had been wondering about that, as I was sure some of my approximations were wrong, but my comment went up anyway...

  8. i like it when rude words get randomly generated, like...and ....and not to mention....hahaha.
    Try clicking the audio...it sounds like a cat fight in a blacksmith's workshop...

  9. Peter, they might have gotten enough complaint to change it, though frankly, that doesn't sound like blogger central.

    Kathleen, yes I have a feeling that I did some of them wrong as well and still got through. I'm going to keep experimenting for easiest routes.

    Dan, yes, even these have some fun ones in them, but there was something about the old script that made them more memorable.

    So far I have a bit more spam here, but nothing like enough to justify putting the captcha verifier up. I have also added comment moderation after fourteen days or so, which I hope will keep keep most spam from showing up in anyone else's inbox inadvertently.

  10. Okay now it looks like both the words are sort of wavery but not obscured. I typed one of them, and it still worked. I don't know if it matters which one.

  11. See, you really only needed one curiouser there, Peter. You are falling under their sway.

  12. I'm going to Pago Pago and Bora Bora on my next vacation, changing planes in Walla Walla.

  13. Curiouser.

    I just tried my theory and apparently it's the first word that counts. Just doing the second word doesn't seem to count.

  14. "It's the first word that counts."

    Sound advice, that. So think before you speak.

  15. Uh...it turns out that the second word might be okay too.

  16. I've found that if one just keeps hitting the return button until a pleasant looking Captcha turns up, all is well.
